Friday, 1 November 2013

Perfect FOREX Package

Perfect FOREX Package

We have made some spectacular progress with our FOREX development work over the last few days, and that area will now be the first one in which we deliver subscription services to paying Customers.
The potential is vast and we’re building an end to end process that will be unrivalled.

Our data processing and forecasting system is totally unique and will be able to support a huge variety of different business across many different countries and focusing on specific niche elements – as a bonus it will be easy to port it to other investment areas such as Indices, Commodities and Individual shares.

We are a few weeks away now from having the first of our Subscription Services ready to go and from there we will rapidly expand our network to grab as much market share in each Country as we can. Competition is fierce but we’ll have an exclusive and innovative product and will utilize that to exploit as many income opportunities as we can in each market.

We’re going to offer members a chance to help support the funding of our big initial push in return for a serious package of benefits, this is now our Private Investor proposition which focuses exclusively on the FOREX market.

There are three packages on offer, each has a different cost and comes with a different range of benefits.

This is a one off opportunity to profit from the multiple income streams that we’ll put in place for the FOREX market.

The three packages cost:

1)      Package 1 - $2000
2)      Package 2 - $850
3)      Package 3 - $250

Below you’ll find package details and underneath more info on each individual benefit.

For a Package 3 investment of $250 you will receive:

·         Fast Profits Three times your investment from our FOREX Themed Program (Profit - $750)
·         Full unrestricted access to all of the FOREX data, indicators and strategies that we produce.
·         1 Automation Tool of your choice one they are live (Profit - $10,000)
·         1 Mini Subscription Service allocated to you (Profit - $15,000)
·         1 Small Niche Site – you can choose domain name and help design it (Profit $2.500)
·         An equal share of 10% of all the income generated by our larger FOREX activities, as detailed below (Profit - $2.500)
·         An equal share of 10% of all the profit distributed from the Automated Trading Program. (Profit - $2.500).

Total estimate Annual Profit: $33.250

For a Package 2 investment of $850 you will receive:

·         Fast Profits Three times your investment from our FOREX Themed Program (Profit - $2,550)
·         Full unrestricted access to all of the FOREX data, indicators and strategies that we produce.
·         4 Automation Tools of your choice one they are live (Profit - $40,000)
·         2 Mini Subscription Service allocated to you (Profit - $30,000)
·         1 Maxi Subscription Service allocated to you (Profit - $60,000)
·         1 Small Niche Site – you can choose domain name and help design it (Profit $2.500)
·         1 Mega Niche Site – you can choose domain name and help design it )Profit $10,000)
·         1 System Sales Opportunity (Profit - $25,000)
·         1 Information Product of your own (Profit - $15,000)
·         An equal share of 30% of all the income generated by our larger FOREX activities, as detailed below (Profit - $10,000)
·         An equal share of 30% of all the profit distributed from the Automated Trading Program. (Profit - $10,000).

Total estimate Annual Profit: $205.050

For a Package 1 investment of $2000 you will receive:

·         Fast Profits Three times your investment from our FOREX Themed Program (Profit - $6,000)
·         Full unrestricted access to all of the FOREX data, indicators and strategies that we produce.
·         4 Automation Tools of your choice one they are live (Profit - $40,000)
·         2 Mini Subscription Service allocated to you (Profit - $30,000)
·         2 Maxi Subscription Service allocated to you (Profit - $120,000)
·         1 Ultimate Subscription Service allocated to you (Profit - $780,000)
·         1 Small Niche Site – you can choose domain name and help design it (Profit $2.500)
·         1 Mega Niche Site – you can choose domain name and help design it (Profit $10,000)
·         1 Data Feed Site Allocated to you (Profit $300,000)
·         1 Automation Tool Site Allocated to you (Profit $250,000)
·         Equal Share from the FOREX Dashboard (Profit $75,000)
·         Equal Share from the Mega System Builder Site (Profit $1,000,000)
·         A six Figure Joint Venture Opportunity (Profit $100,000)
·         4 System Sales Opportunities (Profit - $100,000)
·         Equal Share from the Smartphone App (Profit - $100,000)
·         1 Information Product of your own (Profit - $15,000)
·         An equal share of 60% of all the income generated by our larger FOREX activities, as detailed below (Profit - $50,000)
·         An equal share of 60% of all the profit distributed from the Automated Trading Program. (Profit - $50,000).

Total estimate Annual Profit: $3,028,500

Things really ramp up with the biggest package and it will take a while to reach that level of income. However every package will benefit from a fast pay out of three times their investment amount as soon as we can, and just the mini subscription services will put anyone who invests comfortably in profit with a very nice monthly income.

To take part you can invest via Paypal, Solid Trust Pay, Bank Transfer and other methods, if you’re interested then please email me at and we’ll sort out the details

The full benefits package details are as follows:

1.      Data Access

Full unrestricted access to all of the FOREX data, indicators and strategies that are developed from our back end forecasting system.

This will be much wider than the data we’ll make available to active members of My Gold Nest Egg

2.      Automation Tool

We will be building automation tools to automate the task of opening and closing trades, which will be available as standalone services.

We’ll also keep a version of this technology private and link it to our most profitable strategies.

With this a Private FOREX member will choose which automation tool they wish to use and which strategy and will set up an account in their name to use it. The account will be funded by profits they’re due from their Private FOREX Investor membership and it will then be set on autopilot using the chosen strategy.

It will be the member’s account so they will decide when to withdraw funds and when to let it grow. It could be left to grow into a massive lump sum or to grow so far and then have $10,000 withdrawn every time it has grown by that amount. If you take part that will be entirely your choice.

How much this earns you will be up to you, you could just let it grow to $1million + over time if you want to.

3.      Mini Subscription Service

This will be a small, niche subscription service which has a minimum target of just 50 customers paying $50 a month. When a Private FOREX Investor is allocated one of these they will receive 50% of the net income monthly. So for 50 Customers that will be $1250 monthly from this service.

There’s no cap on earnings, you’ll get a straight 50%, even if it ends up with 500 or 1000 customers.

4.      Maxi Subscription Service

This is a larger subscription service with a minimum membership target of 200 customers, which will work in the same way where a Private Investor Member receives 50% of the net income, so 200 Customers would see the member receive $5,000 monthly. Again there will be no cap, so if the membership reaches 1500 or more then the same 50% will be paid out.

5.      Ultimate Subscription Service

This is one of our big services with global appeal where our minimum target will be 2000 customers and there will be other membership options (annual, weekly to test etc) and a higher subscription fee (We’ll use $65 in this example). With just the monthly membership this would see the Private FOREX Investor receive $65,000 monthly!!. With this, if that target isn’t met once the business has established, we’ll allocate another one until it has been met.

6.      Data Feed

This will be a very niche subscription service where we’ll supply some of our unique data as a data feed to paying subscribers.

It will be a premium product probably with an annual charge, 300 customers paying $1000 annually totals $300,000 annually.

7.      Automation Service

We will be using the APIs from FOREX Trading companies to provide automation tools to Customers that will work in tandem with our system strategies.

This will allow customers to plug in one or more of our Strategies and set rules around how much to invest, a stop loss to apply etc. The tool will then automate the opening and closing of deals according to the output from the strategies – it will be designed to be safety first so that every deal has a stop loss of some kind to avoid a big losing position being created.

It will be a revenue generator in its own right for us and will encourage members to bolt on some of our selection strategies for an additional fee.

8.      FOREX Dashboard

We will probably just have one of these. It will be an online dashboard for people who want to trade FOREX but don’t want to worry about charts etc. It will plug into our back end and access a number of metrics and indicators that can be used to determine entry and exit points.

Private FOREX Investors will receive a share of the income generated by this.

9.      Mega System Builder Site

This is going to be an awesome site, one of our true mega sites where people will pay $50 every six months to access one of a number of niche systems. We’ll have a small portfolio of systems to start with and for each membership the customer will be able to specify their own system rules. Then daily they’ll have access to all of the system selections for the niche they’ve chosen. There will be options for daily/weekly membership, for access to just the most effective systems across all niches and for other members to purchase the rules of the system they’ve set up. This will be massive!!

This service will have at least ten niches, each costing $50 every six months to access.

500 Customers in 10 different niches at that price comes to $250,000.

At that’s a low estimate for a FOREX program such as this.

It’s very likely we’ll see customers purchase different memberships in the same niche because that will give them another system that they can generate income from.

We will have a monthly membership option which will provide the best systems across all ten niches.

500 people paying $50 a month for 12 months equals $300,000

Members will be able to buy System rules for their own use.

100 Customers in each of 10 niches buying 100 System Rules over the course of a week for our cut of $5 amounts to $500,000 annually.

Already that’s a massive figure and there will be other ways to access the service, such as advanced system building for more experienced members and additional charges for some of our proprietary metrics used in the systems.

This will make our Private FOREX Investors rich. Period.

If you join as a Private FOREX Investor you will get an equal share of 50% of the total income generated by this system.

10.  System Sales

We will be documenting some of the strategies that we develop and turning them into standalone systems available for purchase. This will generate revenue on its own and will act as an introduction to our other services. Private FOREX Investors will receive one of these allocated to them and will receive income from every single sale, plus anything else the customer goes on to purchase with us.

11.  Information Product

Aside from the subscription services that we offer we will also build our own information products, covering all sorts of areas related to the FOREX market. As a Private FOREX Investor you will have one of these of your own that will be sold on your Niche site and will be available for affiliate members to sell. You’ll receive income from every sale made of the product and more if the sale is from your own site.

12.  Small Niche Site

This will be a standalone site that you will own but we will host, because the code running the site will be proprietary. We’ll work with you to agree the details of the site, domain name, area of focus, content and design and will host it for you.

It will have links to our best selling products that we offer as affiliate programs, for you to generate extra revenue, and will have links to relevant CPA and affiliate programs, plus you’ll be able to add content and affiliate links of your own.

13.  Mega Niche Site

This will be a site like the above but with much more content and the full bells and whistles in terms of functionality. It’ll have its own newsletter to capture potential customers and you’ll still be able to add your own content and affiliate/cpa links if you wish. It will have a built in blog and we’ll arrange for the blog and other content to be updated on a regular basis to keep the site fresh.

We’ll ensure that this is heavily linked across our network and that new opportunities are advertised on here first.

In addition to the affiliate income and sales that this will generate for you, you will also earn a share of our premium advertising revenue depending on the traffic received by the site.

14.  Six Figure Joint Venture

As our network grows we will be on the lookout for lucrative joint ventures in related areas where we don’t want to develop our own product.

These will vary and we’ll allocate one to each Private FOREX Investor with a target of a six figure return from the Joint Venture.

15.  Automated Trading System

We will have an automated private trading system just for Private FOREX Investors that will work in two ways.

Firstly it will start with a pool of funds and use our most effective strategies daily to grow the size of the pool. Once the pool has grown by 50%, we will then start to distribute profits, but in a way that ensures long term growth. Every time the pool grows by 20% we will retain half of that growth within the pool and the other half will be shared out amongst Private FOREX Investors.

The other approach is a bit more radical. It will take a small trading amount and roll it over into a number of individual trades, each time the principal and profit from one trade will be rolled over into the next. This will be undertaken for a number of trades, and a run of successes will result in serious profits – the target for each run will be $10,000. Obviously if one trade is unsuccessful then the whole series is a failure and we’ll go back to the beginning and start again. It won’t win every time but when it does the profits will be spectacular and it’s a nice balance to the first approach.

Profits from this will be paid in order to Private FOREX Investors, so that when everyone has had their share the first time around, we’ll go back to the beginning and start all over again.

16.  Top Position in FOREX themed program

Private FOREX Investors coming on board will lead the way, and to push on we’ll be launching a dedicated FOREX focused program to boost the development resources available and to build up a salesforce to promote some of our income opportunities when they go live – in return for affiliate commission.

This will launch in a few weeks and any Private FOREX Investors will be placed at the top of the program’s downline and 10% of all income from the program will be used to return back three times the amount invested by every Private FOREX Investor.

17.  Advertising Sales

We will be putting in place a solid network of FOREX related sites, aside from our subscription service and member’s niche sites. These will focus on traffic generation and allow us to promote our own programs and sell premium advertising to others. There will be news sites, forum sites, review sites and many more as we look to build the most complete network that we can.

Advertising revenue will be shared between Private FOREX Investors, with members receiving a greater share of advertising shown on their own niche sites or sales that originate from those sites.

18.  Smartphone/iPad app

Finally we will be building a smartphone/iPad app to provide an alternative front end to access our data, strategies and automation tools. It will have a variety of membership options, allowing customers to pick and choose the functionality and strategies that they want.

Income from this will be shared between Private FOREX Investors as we won’t be building multiple apps.

FOREX Approach

Our approach to FOREX broadly follows the general process that is covered below, but the FOREX data fits particularly well with the unique approach that we’ve developed and there are a number of crucial areas where we can generate a key competitive advantage over our competitors.


a)      Undertaking our metric analysis for different time periods, for instance if we’re looking at hourly data we might find unique strategies by offsetting that data from the hour mark. Most people will look at hourly data at the start of each hour, but by offsetting we could identify profitable trends.
b)      Also we’ll be able to mix and match time intervals in our metric analysis process, something that’s hard to do effectively when just charting the data, so by combining metrics from 5 min, 1 hour and 4 hour data for instance we might unearth some unique profitable strategies.
c)      We have a very unique way to track events (such as two different moving average calculations crossing) and then tracking them over time so they can be incorporated into the Metric Analysis Process. Because we are looking at our data over different time intervals this allows us to get the most value from our identification of events and the other indicators we are using.
d)      A key part of our process is calculating, for every minute data interval, how much profit/loss would be generated from a trade at that point in time, using a variety of money management and stop/loss strategies. With this data we can reverse engineer our Metric Analysis process to first look for the highly profitable moment s and then understand what indicators or events were relevant for that moment, and then running those data items through our metric analysis process. It’s like an advanced form of Pattern Spotting that can be used to continually make our end to end process more effective and profitable.

How the Process works

The process is different for every market that we look at, but the core principles remain the same and that makes the process highly scalable.

This is a brief overview of how the process works.

1.      Raw Data

We start the process with raw data, whether that’s prices for Currency Pairs, the details of a Horse Race or Baseball/Soccer fixtures. We then add to the factual details any publicly available metrics that we can obtain that will be useful in the future steps.

For FOREX we’ll pick up things such as Interest Rates, for Horse Racing there might be speed or handicap ratings and for a sport such as Baseball there are all sorts of data items (search online for Sabermetrics for a list).

We try and include as much as we can for any given area to give us the widest range of data to use.

2.      Calculate Our Own Metrics

With our raw data on board we then calculate our own metrics, which might be as simple as a moving average for Investment/FOREX to a detailed handicap rating for Horse Racing or a Form rating for team sports (such as Baseball/Soccer). We create a number of these to expand the data that we have available to analyse.

3.      History Tracking

We then undertake some simple history analysis, which might be analysing where a price is compared to a recent range, the form of a horse over its last few races or the win/loss history for a team sport.

We’ll compare history for any metric or data item that we will use in our analysis and will look at whether it’s increased/decreased over time, this will allow us to create calculated metrics such as an Improvement Factor, where we look at a data item over time and calculate whether it’s improving or not.

4.      Blended Metrics

This is where it really starts to get innovative; the blended metrics here are our own creation and really come into their own as we get into the Metric Analysis and Scenario Profiling steps later in the process.

The next step is for us to create a series of “blended” metrics, and we do this in two ways. Firstly we will create some standardised metrics and put them together to create a totally new metric. We standardise the metric by expressing all values as a % of the highest value. So if in a horse race a horse has values for three metrics that are 85% of the total, 100% of the total and 90% of the total then the blended standardised metric for those three together would be 91.667 (85 + 90 + 100)/3.

The other way we create blended metrics is to create a process that looks at the metrics and the history tracking and assigns either a positive or negative score. So a positive score might be allocated when something has the highest metric or shows improvement in a metric over time or where a history change looks to be particularly favourable. With this approach we would add up and count all of the negative values, and then all the positive values and then create a net figure.

This is a hugely powerful way to create one metric that covers a lot of other individual factors and measures.

5.      Quantum Metrics

We then create a series of Quantum Metrics, which look at different factors and performance in history (weighted towards more recent history) when those factors are met.

For a sports team it might mean a metric for when they play away from home, or against a certain quality of team or certain conditions, for individual areas such as horse racing we have a quantum metric for the distance of a race, the going, the course and many more factors.

To calculate a quantum metric we look at each event in the past and assess its “quality” before including it in the metric, so again for a sports team away metric we would look at the quality of teams that they had played away from home. A team that had beaten six lower quality teams would get a lower score than a team that had played six high quality teams and won just four of them.

It’s the focus on quality split by factors related to the situation today that we’re analysing that makes these metrics so valuable, and totally unique.

6.      Metric Analysis

We then run a metric analysis process which starts with individual metrics and calculates their success rate in the data. A success would be a horse winning a race, a team winning a game or a FOREX price rising, whilst a failure is the opposite, thus allowing us flexibility in how we analyse our data.

We then put them together in pairs and calculate the success rate when they occur together, and we continue to run the process and add combinations of metrics for up to five levels.

This gives us a strong insight into the effectiveness of each metric and how effective combinations of metrics area.

7.      Scenario Profiling

We then take that a whole stage further by limiting the analysis to scenarios similar to today, that might be similar economic conditions for FOREX, or head to head meetings between sports teams or horse races at similar distances etc.

This makes the analysis even more relevant to the data we’re looking at on the current day.

It takes a lot of number crunching to calculate this but it’s well worth it.

In this section we look at a few individual areas:

a)      We look at positive metrics
b)      We look at negative metrics (teams to lose, prices to fall)
c)      We look at banker factors for both of the above, so this would start with the five metrics with the higher success rate and put those in combination with other metrics

8.      Pattern Spotting

We then have a section that is very different for each market, pattern spotting.

At its most simplest it’s spotting a trend such as a team on a winning streak or certain factors that might apply to a horse race (a horse which won a higher class race but which is now running in a much lower class race). At its most complex is the analysis we have to do for Investment/FOREX where we’re looking for price patters.

This is something a trader would do looking at a graph and tracking peaks and troughs in the data along with other patters. With this we use complex algorithms in the data to identify and flag when these patters have occurred within the data.

9.      Final Calculated and Blended Metrics

We then create another set of Calculated and Blended metrics based upon our original metrics, the Quantum Metrics we have calculated and the Pattern Spotting & Metric Analysis.

Where it starts to get really clever is for any given scenario we use the scenario profiling to identify which of our metrics and metric combos have been most effective in the past for similar scenarios and we then just include those metrics in a special blended metric.

So for Scenario 1 that blended metric might just be made up of five individual metrics but a different scenario might be made up of ten metrics because all ten have showed themselves to successfully predict the outcome in previous scenarios.

Standardised metrics really come into their own in this section, where we baseline metrics to the highest value. With these we standardise them and then when averaging them we weight them more towards those that have proven to be more effective in predicting outcomes.


All in all that’s a highly complex process which gives us a wide range of exclusive metrics, ratings and data items that no-one else will be able to replicate, and we can use these individually or in combination to feed our Subscription based services.